Teaching from Home?

Here are some tips you’ve been looking for! If you find yourself at home with your children and there are assignments to be completed and work to be done, here are a few tips to make this time less stressful. 1. Set up a schedule.Children love routine! Your child’s...

Custody Exchanges and COVID-19

Governor Roy Cooper has issued a “stay at home” order for North Carolina. Many parents might have questions about the impact this order has on existing child custody orders or agreements. Governor Cooper’s order specifically states that travel between residences for...

Am I Paying Too Much Alimony?

You and your spouse (or former spouse) have been to court and the judge ordered you to pay $1,000 per month in alimony. Now, five years later, the situation has changed. You were laid off, through no fault of your own. Your former spouse is now working full time and...

What is Alimony?

If you and your spouse have separated or are thinking of separating, the word “alimony” has probably come up. So, what is alimony exactly? Alimony is a payment for the support and maintenance of a spouse or former spouse. It can be periodic, like once per month, or it...

Parenting Pointers

We all want happy, healthy kids. But, don’t we also want them to be attentive, exceptional students, friends, and children? Across the board, teachers, educators, coaches, and student leaders are all saying the same thing. Kids today are less patient and more entitled...